Boosting your Colab project with Cython

Accelerting a custom finite differencing scheme by orders of magnitude with Cython in Colab.

Posted by Matt Witman on May 10, 2020

What happens when your standard Python numerical computing libraries don't contain an operation you need? If you're forced to write a custom operation and it requires a for loop (i.e. you can't easily vectorize the operation using standard numpy/scipy operations), Cython may be a lifesaver. I recently encountered this when using the Method of Lines to solve some partial differential equations that model unsteady-state diffusion and reaction within a spherical catalyst pellet (more on this interesting chemical engineering problem in a future blog post). I'll present an example of setting up a custom finite difference calculation using Cython within a Google Colab notebook.

Within Colab, first load cython:

%load_ext cython

Next, cimport both cython and numpy, then write your function (remembering to declare return and all variable types). For some background, fd_interior_spherical_axisymmetic() numerically approximates the spatial derivate term for the axisymmetric spherical diffusion problem (see DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0135506 for details).

cimport cython
cimport numpy as np

cdef inline np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] fd_interior_spherical_axisymmetic(\
                                            np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] f,
                                            np.float64_t dr_nondim):
  f : numpy array for the concentration as a function of r (r from 0 to 1)
  dr : the distance between radial points (non-dimensionalized)

  returns :
    numerical approximation of the spatial derivative terms at the interior 
    discretized points of an axisymmetric, spherical particle, i.e. : 
    1/r^2 d(r^2 df/dr)/dr

  cdef int i = 1
  cdef int endpts = 2
  cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] answer
  answer = np.zeros(f.shape[0]-endpts, dtype=np.float64)

  for i in range(1,f.shape[0]-1):
    answer[i-1]=((i+1)*f[i+1]- 2*i*f[i] + (i-1)*f[i-1])/(i*dr_nondim**2)

  return answer

def fd_interior_spherical_axisymmetic_wrapper(np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] f,
                                              np.float64_t dr_nondim):
  return fd_interior_spherical_axisymmetic(f,dr_nondim)

import numpy as np
import timeit

Let's now define a pure pythonic function to do the same:

def pure_python_compute(f, dr_nondim):
  answer = np.zeros(len(f)-2)
  for i in range(1,f.shape[0]-1):
    answer[i-1]=((i+1)*f[i+1]- 2*i*f[i] + (i-1)*f[i-1])/(i*dr_nondim**2)
  return answer

Finally, let's compare their running times:

testarr = np.linspace(0,100,10000)
%timeit pure_python_compute(testarr,1)
%timeit fd_interior_spherical_axisymmetic_wrapper(testarr,1)

Which shows:

10 loops, best of 3: 20.7 ms per loop
10000 loops, best of 3: 65.3 µs per loop

This speedup of ~300x is absolutely critical given the number of times this function must be evaluated when solving a set of PDEs using the Method of Lines.